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Fiz the Fairy with the Magical Farts

Writer's picture: Lindsay DaviesLindsay Davies

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Children's fairy story about a fairy called Fiz. Fun bedtime story for children who like to laugh out loud.

Fiz was a fairy, but not just any old fairy, not your average fairy, not a fairy that anyone expected. She was a fairy with her own mind and her own ideas. She was a very real fairy with very real magic of her very own. The only thing different was that her magic came out of her bottom. Yes, that's right, whenever she did a spell it came out of her bottom and whenever she did a fart magic happened. As you can imagine, this caused quite a few problems.

Fiz lived in Fartingdale, a pretty little village on the outskirts of Bottomton. She had a lot of friends, not surprisingly as Fiz was very funny.

That particular day, there was something bothering her. She was thinking about a nursery rhyme that really didn't make sense. It goes like this, do you know it?

What are little boys made of?

Snips, snails

And puppy-dogs' tails

That's what little boys are made of

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice

All things nice

That's what little girls are made of

Whoever heard of such a thing. Clearly little boys are not made of puppy dogs tails and she was sure that little girls are definitely not made of all things nice. Surely no-one can be cake? Everyone is a little bit of everything and that's what makes the world an interesting place.

Back to cake. Fiz liked cake. She liked cake a lot.

But cake made her fart.

Great big stinky farts, little tiny squeaky farts, fiz fiz fizzing farts, which, incidentally, is where her name came from.

Today was her friend Toby's birthday party. There would definitely be cake at the party. 'Great' she thought, this is going to be a good party. Her mum got her ready and dropped her off, reminding her not to eat the cake. "You know what happens when you eat cake Fiz" said her mother worriedly. But Fiz was feeling mischievous and thought to herself, 'since when did anyone listen to their mother at a party, I'm definitely going to eat the cake'.

And then she saw it.

The cake was big. A big fat red white and blue cake with jellyfish and skulls on top. It did look good and she took one of the jellyfish off the top.

The games started, boys and girls were running around everywhere. The garden looked pretty and there were lots of balloons. It did look like a party and they were having lots of fun playing the games. Fiz liked the bouncy castle the best. Jump jump jump. Oh how she loved to jump.

As she was jumping she let out a little fart. Blue and red sparks came out of her bottom. She jumped some more and more sparks came out, turning into sharp pointy arrows with jellyfish heads. The arrows went flying around the inside of the bouncy castle, missing the boys and girls who were jumping on it and landing straight into the side of the castle.

Ssssss Sssssss. A loud noise was coming from the bouncy castle. Ssssssss. Everyone looked in dismay as it began to get smaller and smaller and smaller, until it lay deflated and flat on the grass. The children couldn't bounce anymore. Some of the children started to cry.

'Oh no' thought Toby's father, quickly getting everyone around the cake to sing Happy Birthday. As they all sang, jellyfish arrows flew around in the sky above them, narrowly missing unsuspecting birds.

Everyone ate the cake. It tasted good. Chocolate with vanilla and jam in the centre. Delicious. The skulls were made of white icing and the jellyfish were jelly sweets that everyone loved. The children wanted more.

A loud noise came from a group of children on the grass.



Then something strange happened. Fiz started to fizz.



Sparks came out of her bottom, turning into magical firework dust.

The dust floated into the sky and turned into a large white dragon blowing chocolate fire onto the party. It smelt amazing. Fireworks sparkled in the sky like the most brilliant stars they had ever seen. The clouds had formed into skull shapes and were laughing at jellyfish dropping out of the sky like snowflakes. The dragon swooped down from the sky eating up the jellyfish as it went. “Mmmmm” he said.

It was very strange. The children looked around at each other. “Toby look at your hands” squealed one of the girls. Toby looked down at his hands and saw that his fingers had turned into puppy dog tails. They were white spotty ones.

“Aaaarggh” he screamed shaking his hands to try and get them off. It didn’t work. His fingers wagged at him excitedly as he looked at them in horror.

White writing formed in the sky.

‘Snips and snails and puppy dogs tails, that’s what little boys are made of’.

“Look at your ears” said Toby to the little girl. She felt her ears and pulled off a lollypop. She felt the other one and pulled a lolly pop off that one too.

The writing started to form again in the sky.

‘Sugar and spice and all things nice, that’s what little girls are made of’.

The dragon came in close to the party. He could smell the cake and wanted some. But he came in too close and as breathed on the cake to get a taste, it set on fire. A large chocolate fire with melting chocolate which was dripping onto the floor.

Fiz felt sorry for the trouble she had caused and wanted to try and make it right again. She thought of a spell to put everything back to normal.

Thphhhh. Phfzzzz. Phfzzzz.

The firework display was magical and the sky lit up with every colour you could ever think of. The dragon flew away. They skulls stopped laughing and faded back into clouds and the jellyfish disappeared. The only thing left was the smell of chocolate.

Fiz looked sheepish as Toby walked over to her.

“Fiz!, Fiz!”

That was epic! It was the best birthday party ever. Thank you for you and your magical farts. They really are the best!”

Fiz laughed loudly and said “Thank you Toby, I’m glad I could be of service” and with that she let out another Phfzzzz

A last arrow flew into the sky doing loops until it was out of sight. The sky writing said ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOBY’ and Toby beamed the happiest smile.

Find out more about the mother and son duo who wrote this story for sharing with you on Kids Dream Stories.

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