A Halloween poem for young and old. On Halloween look carefully, you never know which witch is real.

I am a witch, but nobody knows
I have a fierce pointy nose and short curly toes
My hair is shiny and oh so black
It reaches far, right down my back.
I am a witch with nails so long
Sharp spiky points, what could go wrong?
My fingers are bony and somewhat crooked
Like spindly twigs, they do look wicked.
I am a witch but I don’t live alone
It’s me, my cat, my kid and my phone
At the edge of the forest in a little round hut
We’re happy, crack jokes and feast on peanuts.
Peanuts you say, don’t make a feast
Come closer and try one, I’m not such a beast
Small and delicious and slightly salty
They’re much better for you than a sweet sugar lolly.
The potions I make are steamy and hot
With frogs legs and snails you can do quite a lot
I make potions for love, for good and not evil
You’re surprised I see; I’m not medieval.
Witches are real, they’re everywhere
Take a look around you, go on, I dare
On buses, in cars, in shops and in bars
They see into your soul, right up to the stars.
I am a witch; a good one you should know
A good witch inside-out, outside-in and from head to toe
Good witches make the very best things happen
It’s not a curse, it’s a blessing, it’s the happiest of weapons.
It’s Halloween and time to start working my magic
The lack of decoration on some streets is tragic
A wiz, a bang, a potion or two
Now see the spiders, dodge the webs, stir the cauldron’s brew.
The streets are busy with trick or treaters
But don’t take too much, no-one likes a looter
The kids are dressed up, mummies and daddies are too
Halloween is for everyone, young and old, me and you.
Halloween is my favourite time of year
It's so much fun and brings a good cheer
Friends, families and neighbours alike
Get dressed up and go out until night.
Some are scared of the noises
Now where’s my spell to quieten the voices
Others are scared of the costumes
Fixed with a spray of bravery into every little one’s room.
I am a witch, but you wouldn’t know
I’m a good witch with good spells on the go
So look out for me when you go out tonight
I could be the witch bringing you magic and light.
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