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Rosy Twitch The Little Witch

Writer's picture: Lindsay DaviesLindsay Davies

This is an original story from Kids Dream Stories, wishing you a very happy Halloween.

Once upon a time there was a little witch called Rosy Twitch. She was a tiny little witch with rosy red cheeks and pointy red shoes.

Rosy lived in a small wooden cottage in the village of NeverNeverMind. Her cottage had a tiny red door and tiny red windows with bright red curtains. You see, Rosy liked red. Red like the reddest juiciest apple you've ever seen. Red made Rosy happy.

Her garden was the prettiest little garden in the whole of NeverNeverMind. Red and yellow poppies at the edges of the greenest lawn. Perfectly shaped hedges that Rosy loved to change into different characters. Today they were flamingos. Eight of them, all in different positions. Everyone in the village loved to stop by and take a look at Rosy’s garden.

“Hello Rosy” chimed Mr Sneezealot, peeping over the wall.

“Atishoooo” he sneezed as she walked towards him. “Atishoooo, “Atishoooo”.

“Oh dear Mr Sneezealot, you are having a terrible time today with your sneezes aren’t you”.

“Yes, your poppies are making me sneeze even more than I normally do”.

“Oh dear Mr Sneezealot, that’s terrible”.

“Nevermind Rosy, it’s just one of those things,” he said as he walked away sneezing. “Never never mind.”

She secretly blew an anti sneezing potion and it was carried through the wind to Mr Sneezalot who sneezed one more time, shook his head, frowned, stopped sneezing, shook his head and laughed.

NeverNeverMind was full of people who never minded. No matter what happens. They just got on with their days.

But Rosy did mind, she minded a lot, especially when things went wrong. She was a nosy witch who loved to know what other people were doing and would often twitch the curtains to see what was happening outside.

This particular day was busy in the village. It was Halloween, the day the magical folk came to town to do their shopping. You see on a normal day, they couldn’t go about their business like the ordinary folk of NeverNeverMind because they looked so magical. Super tall wizards with long beards, young wizards whose beards hadn’t even started growing yet, witches with pointy noses, talking cats that scared the other cats in the village, and monsters in all different shapes and sizes, with different-sized tempers.

Rosy heard a loud bang and an even louder scream from her next-door neighbour’s house. She ran to the window and twitched her red curtains to see what the noise was all about.

Bright pink smoke floated out of Mrs Bakeacake’s kitchen window and down the street. Rosy saw a cake perfectly formed in the smoke, witch-shaped cookies and pumpkin-shaped cupcakes. Mrs Bakeacake had been baking for the village Halloween Fate’s cake stall.

“My cakes! My cakes! She exclaimed in horror. “They’re all ruined, every single one of them. I have no cakes to take the cake stall, and my oven is ruined. Whatever shall I do”.

Rosy felt sad for Mrs Bakeacake and all the villagers, for they all loved Mrs Bakecake’s cakes. Rosy wanted to help, but no one in the village knew she was a witch and she wanted to keep it that way. She only wore her witch hat on Halloween or at nighttime when the villagers were asleep. She couldn’t exactly get her cauldron out now to help Mrs Bakeacake with a baking potion.

“Can I help you bake more cakes” offered Rosy to try and cheer her up.

“Never mind Rosy. What’s done is done. Never never mind, there’s always next year”.

Rosy sighed as two cheeky little wizards walked by laughing. She kept an eye on them through the curtains. They were up to no good.

The next thing she saw was Mr and Mrs Fisher running past her house in a panic.

“We’ll never get to the river in time” cried Mrs Fisher as they huffed and puffed along the street.

“What’s happened?” Rosy called after them.

“Jimmy is in trouble down at the river, there’s a problem with the fish” Mr Fisher shouted back.

“Don’t worry, I’m on my way” shouted Rosy jumping on her bike to catch them up. Rosy’s bike was made for two. It had secret magical powers to make it go faster, she soon caught up to Mr and Mrs Fisher.

“Take my bike,” she said. “You’ll get there quicker”. Mr and Mrs Fisher hopped on the bike and off they sped.

The chaos down at the river was something you’ve never seen before. Hundreds of jumping fish doing somersaults into Jimmy Fisher's fishing net. It was getting heavy and poor Jimmy Fisher’s face was as red as Rosy’s curtains as he tried to hold onto the net.

“Help!” he called as he saw Rosy and his parents.

Rosy looked at the fish jumping in a HA HA HA formation. There were too many and the fishing net broke. All the fish swam away.

“Never mind son”, said Mr Fisher, patting Jimmy on the back in comfort. “Yes, never never mind, it’s just fish. We can have something else for dinner” said Mrs Fisher.

"How peculiar", thought Rosy, looking around. Behind a tree, she saw a nasty witch laughing to herself. “Ha ha ha” she cackled. “No fish for you tonight”.

When Rosy got home she saw that her cat Gerald had been busy. Her spell book was open on the table at the Baking Potions for Beginners page.

“Oh no Gerald, what have you been up to?”, said Rosy worriedly.

“Practising Rosy, practising” replied Gerald as the smell of freshly baked cakes hit Rosy’s nostrils. She breathed it in, smiling.

“Just practising hey? Well I think you seem to have done a very good job”.

Gerald smiled, pleased with himself.

“We’ve just got one more trick to reverse,” said Rosy flicking through her spell book. “Here it is”. The page fell on Fixing Flying Fish spell. “For this one, we need the cauldron, the tail of a bluebottle jellyfish, a pinch of golden sand, and a sneeze”.

Rosy went to check on Mr Sneezealot. He was sneezing loudly again, in his kitchen. Bottling a sneeze before she knocked on the door, she saw a bottle of pepper beside Mr Sneezealot’s wall. Pepper? Who would leave pepper near Mr Sneezealot’s house?

“Are you ok?”

“Oh yes Rosy, just a sneeze, never mind”.

Someone had undone her spell. Rosy blew more anti-sneeze dust into the house, and once again, Mr Sneezalot stopped sneezing.

Back at the cottage, Rosy and Gerald poured the exact amounts of each ingredient into the cauldron, stirring it well as love hearts bubbled in the air. It was working. This was a good spell. They took it down to the river and all the fish returned.

The Halloween Fate was busy. Everyone was dressed up. Well except for the magical folk who always dressed that way. Mrs Bakecake's cake stall was a success and Mr Sneezalot, who was allergic to cake, was already eating his second piece. Mr and Mrs Fisher were talking about the fish that miraculously appeared in their kitchen and Jeremy and his friends were on the lookout for anyone fishy looking. There had been some funny goings-on in the village and they wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Rosy looked around, there were some grumpy-looking magical folk not enjoying themselves as much as normal. Their tricks hadn't worked this year.


Find out more about the mother and son duo who wrote this story to share with you on Kids Dream Stories.

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