Ghostie and Mousie were the best of friends. They went everywhere together. To the movies. On holiday. To the shops. To school. They even slept in the same room.
Their favourite game was called Spook You. It was so much fun and made them laugh until their sides hurt. Mousie would run in front of someone and Ghostie would run up behind them. "Spook You" they would cry as they frightened little old ladies, mums and dads and small children.
Halloween was Ghostie's favourite time of year. He loved to spook people. Mousie liked to spook people too but he didn't like Halloween.
"I just don't understand why you don't like Halloween" said Ghostie to a frightened Mousie who was hiding in a bush. "H-H-H have you seen all the cats around tonight" he said, looking at a sleek black cat watching him closely whilst walking stealthily along a garden wall. Across the road a round ginger cat watched him too.
"They're ev-ev-everywhere".
"You'll be all right, I'll look after you" said Ghostie, picking up a trembling Mousie. After all, that's what friends did for their friends. Friends helped friends whenever they were frightened.
Mousie felt braver with Ghostie. "Spook You" he said jumping out onto a little girl who was holding a pumpkin bag full of sweets.
"You don't scare me" she said. "My grandpa told me that mice are small and ghosts aren't real" and she ran away into another house looking for more sweets to put in her pumpkin.
That made Ghostie feel sad. His biggest fear was that he wasn't real. Most of the year he didn't think about it but at Halloween it seemed like everyone wanted to tell him he wasn't real, that ghosts aren't real, that ghosts don't exist.
I am real he thought. I do exist. I will show them.
"Spook You" he said to a group of older boys walking down the street together. They just laughed. "We know you're not real, you can't spook us" and they carried on walking.
Ghostie was sad but he wasn't going to give up spooking people. "Right" he said determinedly. "Who shall we spook next?" They looked around. The street was busy with people dressed up as witches, zombies, ghosts which weren't real ghosts, skeletons and scary clowns.
"Spook You" he said to a witch pushing a pram. She jumped and cried out loud, holding onto her pram a little tighter.
"Yes, we did it, we spooked her". Ghostie felt a little happier and Mousie felt a little braver. "Let's try again" they said together. "Jinx".
Turning a corner they walked onto another street. The houses were covered in cobwebs and the street lights were dim. Another cat walked by and Mousie stood his ground watching it back this time.
The two friends spotted a man walking alone on the other side of the road. Mousie ran in front and Ghostie ran behind. "Spook You" they cried at the tops of their voices. "Aargh" he shouted stumbling into a dustbin and sending another cat flying into the air. "Be careful you two, you spooked me".
The night was getting better.
They sneaked up to a large house with a large iron gate and a Skeleton watchman. "Spook You" said Mousie. "Spook You back" replied the watchman. "Ha, you can't spook us laughed Ghostie walking past him and up the path to the porch.
"Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat".
On the porch was a large cauldron full of slime. They had to reach inside to feel for the sweets.
"Ew" said Mousie shaking the slime of his little paws.
They carried on spooking people all night, a group of school girls ran away from them, they made a baby cry, parents jumping out of their skin and they even spooked an old grandpa.
This Halloween was a success. Mousie was less afraid of all the cats because he had his friend Ghostie by his side. Ghostie was pleased about how many people they had spooked. He was a real ghost for sure.
Ghostie and Mousie were exhausted. "Let's just rest here for a little while".
"Good idea.”
The two friends rested their backs on a tree watching the children come and go. Bats flew above them as the moon shone brightly through the trees lighting up the whole street.
"Spook You"
A boy jumped out at Ghostie and Mousie.
He then picked them up, gave them a big hug, took them into the house and up the stairs to bed. He was tired after his big night spooking people on Halloween.
Ghostie and Mousie were his favourite toys.
This story was written and posted on Kids Dream Stories by mother and son duo who imagined and wrote it on Halloween. It was fun for us to come up with it and we hope you like it.