This is an original story about our cat Saffi.

Saffi was a pretty little cat. She had shiny blue grey fur, the purest white on her chest and four little white feet. She was silky soft to stroke and her eyes changed colour from the brightest yellow to the greenest green you'd ever seen. Her purr was gentle, just like she was.
Saffi sounds like a perfect little cat doesn't she? Well, let me tell you something, she's not always perfect, not perfect at all. This is a story about when Saffi ran away from home and got up to all sorts of mischief in the neighbourhood. You'd hardly believe she was the same little cat.
On a normal day Saffi slept a lot. She slept on the rug, under the table, under the bed, on the bed and in the bunkbed. When she wasn't asleep or eating, she played in the house with her pet toys. Her humans thought she was perfect. Quiet, calm and sleepy.
One night, Saffi went out for evening walk and didn't come back at bedtime. It wasn't at all like Saffi. Her humans waited and waited for her to return before they went to bed, but Saffi was nowhere to be found. Where was she? Would she come home?
"Saffi, Saaaaaaffi" Saffi's lady human into the darkness. Nothing. "That naughty cat" she said, closing the door.
Outside Saffi's house, a white tailed possum crept across the wall in the garden, followed closely by its baby. Did you know that baby possums are called joeys?
From the other side of the wall, Saffi watched their every move. "Pssst psst Possums Possums". "What are you doing up there? That's my garden you know" she purred at the possums not taking her eyes off her or her baby.
"Well cat, you're not here are you. And anyway, we're on our way to a bbq."
"Cat? Cat? Who are you calling cat? My name is Saffi. Short for Sapphire I'll have you know."
The bbq was a good idea though so she followed the possums and the smell of bbq all the way along the wall through several different gardens.
9pm: "Saffi, Saaafffiii" called out her littlest human, vying for some extra time out of bed. 'Saffi, Saafffiii". There was still no sign of her. That naughty cat.
It was a beautiful night, the moon shone down brightly casting a silver glow over everything. They could see and smell the bbq. Delicious!
Saffi spotted chicken on a plate, sausages cooking on the grill and a whole fish on the table. She quickly jumped off the wall and onto the table, grabbed the fish and ran off with it in her mouth.
CRASH. A bottle smashed onto the floor as Saffi ran away.
"ARGGHH." A man screamed out loud in shock.
"WHOAH." A lady cried as she saw the possums taking off with the chicken.
"WAAAA." A baby started crying after being woken by all the commotion.
Saffi tucked into her fish, not caring about the chaos she caused. That naughty cat. The possums tucked into their chicken pieces. Tonight was a good night.
10pm: A bat flew by, its large wings making a loud whooshing noise before it landed in the tree. Saffi was underneath the tree looking up at it"
"Bat Bat, where have you been tonight?"
"Cat? Cat? Why do you ask?"
"Who are you calling cat? My name is Saffi. Short for Sapphire I'll have you know."
"You call me bat, I'll call you cat. Remember to treat others how you wish to be treated yourself cat" said the bat looking down from the tree.
This made Saffi angry even though she knew the bat was right. She ran up the tree hissing, scaring the all the bats that were hanging out in the branches. They quickly flew away into the dark sky making loud whooshing noises with their large wings scaring the people walking past. That naughty cat.
11pm: Out in the darkness, Saffi was alone walking through gardens when she saw the big fluffy tabby cat from across the street. Saffi followed him. She needed to make sure he wasn't heading towards her garden, her space, her sanctuary.
He was. Saffi picked up pace and ran a different way to her garden, jumped up on the wall ready for the intruder. The big fluffy tabby jumped up on the wall too.
"MEOAAAAAW" screeched Saffi. "MEOAAAAAW" replied the intruder.
They walked along the wall getting closer and closer ready for a battle. Saffi jumped up, claws out and took a swipe at the tabby and screeched the loudest "MEOAAAAAW".
The tabby ran off. Saffi was pleased. Tonight was a good night. She then jumped off the wall, onto the garden table, knocking over a plant pot on the way, SMASH. That naughty cat.
It was now past midnight, Saffi was hungry and tired. She saw her owner sleeping peacefully. Can you imagine what she did next? Tapped her human until she woke up, got out of her bed and fed her. Satisfied, Saffi fell asleep on the rug, leaving her human wide awake. That naughty cat.
Do you have a cat? What do you think your cat gets up to at night?
Find out more about the mother and son duo who imagined this story for Kids Dream Stories.
Read other free children's stories on Kids Dream Stories.